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"There is not enough poetry in my life," says The Hub's pal Niagara Nancy from her home atop the 725 kilometre Niagara Escarpment housing the famous Falls. The Hub couldn't agree more! So too did boxer Muhammad Ali. In 1975 Ali was invited to talk to a group of Harvard students. Someone in the crowd shouted, 'Give us a poem, Muhammad'. He paused and said: 'Me. We'. This couplet competes as the shortest English language poem with US poet Strickland Gillian's early 20th century ode, Fleas:  'Adam had 'em' and 'I - Why?'


So sincere thanks to poetry fan Charles Holmes for choosing The Hub to publish his charcoal drawing The Miner and poem The Final Shift inspired by his roots in the mining area of north east of England and memories of the still-haunting 1966 mining disaster in Aberfan, south Wales. The Final Shift was the foundation stone of this Poetry spoke.


John Flood, a fellow Epsom Catenian and parishioner, mentioned mutual friend Audrey Ardern-Jones as an accomplished local poet. Leading to Remember Emily Wilding Davison about Suffragette Emily Wilding Davison and Poet's Corner a podcast and blog series. Each episode of Poet's Corner Audrey reads two poems connected by a theme, one by a famous poet, the other from her collection Doing the Rounds.


Endless Poetry, a poetry-themed music playlist, and English-Spanish versions of poems by Alicante-based Emaio Martin Calvo, like Nancy a pal from the Hub's squatting days in south London, complete the roster. For now!


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