The Theme Show
The Theme Show started as a way of developing themed playlists on The Hub's Epsom Hospital Radio Wednesday evening 8-10pm show. The inspiration for these playlists was Cliff Stammers' brilliantly curated Movie Music set in the EHR studio just before Lockdown #1.
This inspired the Paddy's Day contemporary and traditional music playlist and then the rest. A key DNA of these playlists has been the idea of an upbeat first hour or side A followed by a more wind down Side B set from 9-10pm as the patients at Epsom Hospital settled down for the night. This structure endured as the show migrated to Facebook Live and evolved into a four-zone structure: Rock & Pop (8-8.30pm); UpBeat (8.30-9.00pm); Chill Zone (9.00-9.30pm); Wind Down (9.30-10pm).
Ironically, The Hub has recently returned to live broadcasting on EHR via remote link but at a new time of 10-12am Friday mornings. Leaving the Theme Show as a stand alone playlist to blog and podcast offering without its original Wednesday evening rationale. Watch this space to see how it evolves!